Chose Marriage kids or art / business and all of a sudden everyone knows what’s best for you 😂🫣 I feel you sister!
And when it comes to asking for help, maybe it’s also that it’s much harder to find people we relate to once we are on the unconventional path? It for sure feels more lonely so the hands we hold in form of mentoring / coaching can be even more fulfilling because we aren’t alone, totally agree with you ! So worth the investment financially, mentally, emotionally… Xx
Oh yes exactly this haha everyone (especially those on a very different path than you) seem to know best… 😮💨
I definitely think loneliness plays a big part and getting used to “defending” yourself and your choices… makes it easier to just get on with things than to have that constant dread (unfortunately!!)
Yes yes yes so worth it once we find the good people 🥰🥰🥰🙏🏼
Isn’t it interesting that all the unsolicited advice is so unhelpful and people give advice in ways, and about things that I don’t need help with. That probably does add to why I don’t ask for help. My friends that would actually be helpful are also juggling their art businesses! I know my reasons for not asking for help is so deeply layered…I appreciate your post because the fact that our work is so different from the norm is another layer I wasn’t giving enough credit to. 😆
ELIN WHY ARE WE SO ALIKE? I'm like violently nodding my head as I read this like I'm at a rock concert. It's not just in my creative life where I find it difficult to ask for help, but also just in general. I like to just do everything myself. I guess there's a little bit of a desire for control there. In fact, yeah, that's exactly what it is.
Chose Marriage kids or art / business and all of a sudden everyone knows what’s best for you 😂🫣 I feel you sister!
And when it comes to asking for help, maybe it’s also that it’s much harder to find people we relate to once we are on the unconventional path? It for sure feels more lonely so the hands we hold in form of mentoring / coaching can be even more fulfilling because we aren’t alone, totally agree with you ! So worth the investment financially, mentally, emotionally… Xx
Oh yes exactly this haha everyone (especially those on a very different path than you) seem to know best… 😮💨
I definitely think loneliness plays a big part and getting used to “defending” yourself and your choices… makes it easier to just get on with things than to have that constant dread (unfortunately!!)
Yes yes yes so worth it once we find the good people 🥰🥰🥰🙏🏼
Isn’t it interesting that all the unsolicited advice is so unhelpful and people give advice in ways, and about things that I don’t need help with. That probably does add to why I don’t ask for help. My friends that would actually be helpful are also juggling their art businesses! I know my reasons for not asking for help is so deeply layered…I appreciate your post because the fact that our work is so different from the norm is another layer I wasn’t giving enough credit to. 😆
ELIN WHY ARE WE SO ALIKE? I'm like violently nodding my head as I read this like I'm at a rock concert. It's not just in my creative life where I find it difficult to ask for help, but also just in general. I like to just do everything myself. I guess there's a little bit of a desire for control there. In fact, yeah, that's exactly what it is.