Elin I really love a couple things about this article. For one, I relate very much to what you said about having a newfound energy at the start of the year. In general I tend to have a burst of creative energy around this time every year. I don't know why. I'm working more hours, having more fun, and just really locked in with my work right now. Feels really good.

Second, I love how every now and then you put a sentence in an h3 or h2 header (not sure which one you use). Stylistically it just really helps my eye go down the page and helps center me. Idk how to explain it. I love that styling. Will respond to your message now. Been a busy few weeks (I'll explain).

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Thanks for this Thomas and for noticing the styling! I use h2 for headlines that aren’t the main title and h3 or h4 just to visually break up the text and put emphasize… I love doing this when I edit to kind of structure it so im so thrilled you like it 😍🙏🏼

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Elin, thank you for this wonderful read.

I too, have had such a creative surge this month — perhaps because I’m turning 30 this year — and finally feel like my ideas are lining up. My goal this year is to start taking steps to go freelance with my writing, a dream I’ve had for such a long time. But it’s also the year that my husband and I have decided that we will start trying for a baby. Just the thought of that still terrifies me as I don’t think I will ever feel fully ready, or feel that absolute desire others do for bringing a child into the world. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to start a family, but over the years I’ve seen so many things on social media or witnessed it with old friends about how much life flips on its axis when you have a baby. And I feel that is what’s pushed that desire down because I’m scared to lose this version of myself that has taken so, so long to finally find.

Following your journey has made me realise that I can still be a writer and a creative, whilst also becoming a mother 🤍

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Hi Jenna! And happy 30th year on this planet! I’m turning 30 this year too 😍😍 👯‍♀️

If there’s one thing I can say: You’ll never feel or be ready for anything that truly matters. Whether it’s being an independent creative or mother, we won’t be more ready than the day we decide ”let’s do it!”

Personally I understand women’s need to share on social media to feel less alone, but what’s sad is how it lacks a lot of nuance.

Any transition in life is hard. But any hardship will make us better people… motherhood is truly the greatest personal development experience I’ve ever had. It’s made me realise that I’m in charge of how I choose to experience it; the sleep deprivation, the physical demands, the mental and emotional overload; the social pressures…

I thought I was going to be a very different mum before motherhood and have literally made a 360 degree and that’s OK! It’s not failure, I’m not a bad mum,

For the relationship - of course any new energy impacts the relation, and the first year is probably the hardest, but if you’re able to be vulnerable in communicating how you feel you’ll grow stronger together ❤️❤️

I’m so excited for this year for you!!! And I’m delighted to have you here - I might expand on this topic in an entire article… it’s v juicy and I wish motherhood wasn’t positioned as only a sacrifice but also as an enrichment, because it truly is 🥰🥰🥰

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Thank you Elin! Happy 30th year for you too!

That is a great perspective! I love how you said that you’re in charge of how you experience it—I feel that’s really powerful.

Thank you for always being so kind and supportive 🥰 You are truly inspiring and I’m grateful to be able to explore topics like this with you.

I would love to read a post on this, should you end up writing one!

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Gorgeous essay Elin. Brimming with wisdom and hope.

Thomas is right too-the way you structure is art-full. 😘

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Yay thank you beautiful!! So excited you guys pointed at the visual impact in combination with the literal…

Always appreciate your presence ❤️

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