Such a great post Elin and love the encouragement to just be a work in progress and have faith that we can figure things out, because we can ❤️. Like you say, whether that's in motherhood, in creativity or business giving ourselves the permission to try different things until we find the thing that feels right for right now.

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So glad you enjoyed it Jenna!!

Yes this is it: faith that we can figure out what’s right for right now (because that’ll change) ✨

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A beautiful and honest reflection on the creative mum life, Elin: thank you! Such an encouraging read. Plus, your novel…?! Is it too early to share anything about it? 😍

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Yes hahah the entire concept and more or less storyline is here, I’ve got loads of vignettes that I’m puzzling together into the narrative…. I’m like bursting to share it’s so exciting but for once I will not share until it’s finished. as I have loads of creative projects going I need to be more reserved with which I bring into “the light” when in order to not drown myself and my ideas 🙏🏼💕

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I am totally with you on waiting until you’re reading to bring your projects into the world… I don’t often take that pause between having the idea and revealing it, though it’s something I’m trying to get better at. Excited for you!

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Every day I feel like a work in progress. So glad to hear that I'm not alone!

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You’re definitely not alone 🫶🏼

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Elin I very much feel this pressure with my family specifically. Not that they hound me for changing my mind, but I feel they are very good at deciding on doing something and just sticking with that for years, decades, or even their whole lives. I'm a little bit different. My Mom calls me a squiggle. LOL. I feel like they don't exactly get my decision making a lot of the time, but you made me feel a lot better about being the way that I am with this post. Thank you.

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Oh this - I’m the forever butterfly and shamed for “never making a decision” when truly I make loads of decisions constantly haha.

I think the conclusion is that some people seem happy “to settle” and have a hard time to envision anything else to be true for other people.

We’re not alone in having an adventurous spirit or desiring to live life fully (as in acquiring a lot of widespread experiences out of the conventional), unfortunately no one will do the work for us so it’s up to us to learn to love ourselves and accept that we’re on different journeys 🤗

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I love how you put it: “I don’t have to know this stuff, but I can take agency and DO IT ANYWAY!” That’s such a refreshing perspective. Thank you for this thoughtful article Elin.

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I’m so glad you enjoyed it 🙏🏼 yes this is my favorite bit too!

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LOVED this Elin! I literally just had this aha the other day and posted about it too! I love when something in the creative collective air 😍

Also loved:

“I think that one of the most revolutionary acts one can do today is to be a cross-boxer.”

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Ah that’s amazing!! Serendipity 🥰🥰

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Well, during all these 33 years that i've lived in this world so far, i've almost always had to "have it figured out" what i wanna do. However, there were and have been times when i was comfortable with the fact that "i haven't figured out how i wanna do sth, but ANYWAY, I WANNA LEARN HOW TO DO IT".

FINAL NOTE: I'm proud of being A WORK IN PROGRESS.

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Yay thanks for sharing! And stay proud 🥰

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Not at all, Elin. I assure you i will😉

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Very well said. I absolutely believe people should be able to cross-box, or no-box, and revel in the freedom of not having to conform to a label. We should accept that as a beautiful and sacred part of their journey through life. We should not forget, however, that for each person who finds boxes and labels to be unjust confinement, there are just as many who suddenly find a sense of identity, belonging, and validation in a label that gives name to their feelings of otherness.

I love your description of us being works-in-progress… what a beautiful way to accept the inevitable growth, change, and progress life brings us. Thank you for sharing.

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Yes this is a v valid point, thank you for bringing it up! And to some extent the liberation of a label and liberation of not being labeled both point to the same reality of the complexity and one-size-fits-nobody when it comes to what supports different people ❤️❤️

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Elin, this post resonated so deeply with me—I felt my soul exhale reading it. Yes, yes, yes to all of it! To the beauty of contradictions, to the imperfect, radiant, deeply human experience of being alive.

For so long, I thought I had to have things figured out—that I had to land on a version of myself and stay there, unshaken, unmoving. But life, in all its wisdom, keeps nudging me toward something softer: the grace of not knowing, of surrendering to the in-between, of letting myself be a work in progress.

Your words are a reminder that we are allowed to hold many truths at once. Thank you for writing this, for giving permission, for being a kindred voice in the wilderness.

Sending love,


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Thank you so much for these beautiful words and reflections Kaylyn,

Yes to holding multiple truths at once 💖 blessed to have you here 🥰

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I hate boxes too! I think we morph and reinvent ourselves constantly and what might have worked for us a year ago or even a day ago no longer serves us so why stay in that box? I agree with you 100%!

Cheers to thinking outside of the box.

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Yeeeees!! Thanks Deb, this is it! What worked yesterday may already be outdated 💯 cheers to you!

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I'm definitely a WIP, at eighty and traveling abroad as a nomad. Certainly not in the box most people expect of me. I think it'll be like twenty more before I get it figured out and that's okay with me.

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This is fabulous!! I wish to travel the world when I’m 80 too, life doesn’t end until we decide it does isn’t it. Cheering you on! Thanks for sharing and for being here :)

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I just lost my 9-5 job- the one you’re “supposed” to have, and I’ve never felt more grateful. Everyone around me is so worried, but for the first time I just know I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. My gut says this is the best thing to happen, and I know I’ll finally create the life I want. I don’t have it all figured out but I’m more willing to try than ever before, which I think breeds magic

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Oh I loved everything about this Leanne! Thank you for sharing and I’m cheering you on!! How empowering - sometimes it’s in the supposed crisis we find the power to finally rise to our truths 💕👏

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WIP, business lingo, is explained in creative lingo. It's good that you are female creative, or you could be mansplaining. 🤔

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Hi I like your thinking … I’m also an artist ( after 25 years being a copywriter) my creative journey is getting more and more diverse… painting to exploring print techniques and now Stitch Art … I was once told to be a successful artist you must have ONE recognizable style … that felt like a Box and an insult at the same time! I naturally rebel like you in not wanting to be labeled… it’s so liberating to always experiment even if you reach too far 😍

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Hi Janine!

Thanks so much for sharing your experience! This is it 💯 there’s boxes with the stile of art we make, the mediums we use, the places where we market, how we sell in addition to the basic boxes of just what type of people we are… it’s relentless! I’ve worked for years to break out of this way of thinking to feel liberated to experiment with all sorts of things and both life and work has benefitted hugely 🥰 Hope the same for you!! x

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We seem to have a similar approach and yet I find so many young artists have a closed mind … usually learnt at Art Colleges today

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I’m grateful I never went to art college. My husband did Fine arts in Paris and we’ve had extensive conversations about this through the years how it shapes your thinking. It’s fascinating!

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I went to art school many moons ago when you were expected to draw and develop skills in painting etc … that’s all changed now … I was teaching my own adult art classes and a particular lady had wonderful natural talent painting… she went to Art College where they totally undermined her confidence and forced her to conceptualist everything… she’s now struggling with abstract art that looks like everyone else’s random “mark making” I hate that phrase!

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