I have had a similar drought period when it comes to sharing anything creative, and for some reason Substack has also been a catalyst for me. The idea of starting at the ground floor of any industry is daunting, but all you can do is take the first step!
Yeah it’s really that; just gotta start! And then comes the next problem; to keep it up haha. But can’t get to the second problem until the first one is out of the way, which already brings you a long way 👏
It’s said - and is true, from my experience - that solutions to problems, creative ideas come to you when your mind is relaxed. There’s just this flow that happens and I love when the connections jump together and then I then I think 🤔 that’s great. What took so long!
Wonderful post! A "one" that changed me came from jazz pianist Kenny Werner. When studying jazz I'd freeze up when it came to improvise. My identity was tied to the guitar, my self-worth as essentially "you're only as good as your last gig." However, I found I could play freely and have actual fun (dare I say) if I improvised on an instrument that I don't identify with (e.g., the piano.) This was a revelation to me.
Ooh I love this will! I remember you sharing about your identity being so tied to the guitar. It’s very interesting revelation and I can relate to it in other circumstances. For example being new and a “nobody” here on Substack compared to on other social media for my other art has definitely relieved a lot of creative pressure someone… it’s like a new slate.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience really appreciate it!
Definitely resonates with me. You could apply "idea" to X such as a night out where you meet friends that changes the trajectory of your life, or if you say yes to some other opportunity that leads to something bigger. It's a mystery waiting to unfold. I would have never gotten published in the NYT unless someone suggested it to me! Here's to following your gut Elin :)
Yes you’re very right it can be applied across the board! What’s equally interesting is how not only yes to something can, but also no… by saying no to something you indirectly say yes to something else.
How exciting the NYT sounds like! What ripple effects did it have?
I like that point, saying no is saying yes to something else.
The ripple effects were: a high that lasted for 1 week, countless conversations with strangers that were very meaningful, and a confidence that has stuck with me until now and hopefully forever.
As usual, you provide challenging food for thought! I share your love for questions. I also have a deep value for what I like to think of as the “Knowing” that lives deep within us. I think of this knowing as a deep knowledge that results from our being an expression of the source of all things. I like to think of questions as the healthy tension between the “Knowing” and our Earth Born Amnesia. Without questions, we will simply remain in a deep state of forgetfulness. At least that’s how I see it!
Oooh this is juicy and couldn’t be more on line with my follow your gut publication haha. I think without questions to pursue, life must indeed be incredibly dull. Imagine to not want to learn something new? Actually I can’t even imagine that haha
When I am constricted and living reactively, there is no room for inspiration. I’m not looking around, I’m looking down, one foot in front of the other.
When I am open, rested and curious, these nuggets (like the beautiful nugget from Beth) land, germinates and flourishes.
Here’s to many more life altering nuggets (and many more photos of your art 😍)
Thank you Mika for your sweet words and for sharing your experience too!
It’s really this isn’t it - we can only see it if we’re ready for it. When I was deep in postpartum depression last year I was just surviving and nothing new came to me. Whereas now, I feel I’m existing the other side and everything starts to flourish again.
I’m definitely inspired to add more of my art to my writing!! Want to do more sketching too….
I have a saying. "One radical question is worth more than one thousand uninspired answers." I find the place of not knowing as fertile ground for creation. I love questions. One of my favorite quotes is by Rilke. "“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” I'm still waiting, joyfully, for that day.
Thank you so much Alicia for adding this quote, I have to keep it in my journal too - this is absolutely inspiring ❣️ “do not seek the answers that cannot be given you”… powerful!!!
You and Beth are speaking my language. The language of inquisition.
For me, writing is how I process things (events, memories, feelings). Writing is what slows me down. So that I can ask the questions. If I don’t slow down, I miss so much. It’s why I keep coming back to write.
Thank you Allison so glad you enjoyed it!! Writing does the same for me, and it certainly helps to bring attention to the present and better organise things in the mind somehow 🙏🏼❣️
Yes! It only takes one idea to change your life - if you're open to it! And remaining open takes consistent work. I love what you said about needing many "one's" to lead to a new destiny. Because it's usually not just one thing, even if one thing was the turning point. So here's to staying open!
Love your idea of just ONE thing! I am getting ready to explore this soon by looking at how music (and playing the piano specifically) is just 12 notes, two hands, and 10 fingers. Really very simple but it is how I work with those simple things that creates the music when I play. Even when the music is difficult, it still boils down to those things. If I can remember that, I can literally play anything!
Love this simplification of playing the piano ✨ it makes me think of how I always teach (and think of) my embroidery art…. How can I create the visual effect using only 5 basic stitches? All of my designs, no matter how elaborate all stem from the same 5 bases.
It’s really great for inspiration whenever we restrict (or realise that we’re restricted like in the piano) and still can create infinite magic 🪄❤️
Thank you Elin! I agree that just one idea can change your life and would probably even go further into the infinitely infinitesimal nanoseconds that have the power to change not only your life but you yourself! Who you are, not just who you think you are either but your very essence that may not even be on the horizon of your consciousness. I think that the Grace of God works maybe possibly something like that when His Spirit breathes into our soul our heart and mind may not even fathom it at the time ….. but I am speculating don’t know for sure just going on faith which is as we all know the evidence of things unseen and the substance of hope ! 😊
Yes I definitely think His Spirit works the same way! To change your life to me, means that’s we change along it or else we’d be stuck in the same old patterns without much change…. One must be open for the change in order for it to happen, which is why it doesn’t happen all the time but more in subtle ways (and sometimes not so subtle). ❤️
Ah there you have it my friend! 😊 I am no scientist but love the whole quantum entanglement concept and how our free will works in synergy or harmonizes with the Holy Spirit! The difficult part is what you mention keeping ourselves open to the movement of the Spirit and removing the obstacles to our participation in the Will of God.
I love journaling but struggled to write consistently until I committed to substack. I’ve had so many insights into myself by writing and also reading on substack. Finding substack has spurred me on to discover more about myself and to create all sorts of things that were just wishes before. The little sparks build up until they suddenly burst into flames.
Love this Val thanks for sharing your experience! I can totally relate - Substack has become so much more than I first imagined it to be. Feel so inspired in a way that I haven’t in a very long time. Happy to be here with you 🥰
“It only takes one” is one of my favorite reminders to adhere to and I love applying it to creativity too. For me, professionally, personally, even just needing to find one donor medically— the power of only needing one has been a great, strange throughline.
I have had a similar drought period when it comes to sharing anything creative, and for some reason Substack has also been a catalyst for me. The idea of starting at the ground floor of any industry is daunting, but all you can do is take the first step!
Yeah it’s really that; just gotta start! And then comes the next problem; to keep it up haha. But can’t get to the second problem until the first one is out of the way, which already brings you a long way 👏
Yes...taking that first step is so important. May all of your first steps bring you blessings!
I’m currently in that drought. Hopefully spending some more time on Substack helps me getting out of it.
It’s said - and is true, from my experience - that solutions to problems, creative ideas come to you when your mind is relaxed. There’s just this flow that happens and I love when the connections jump together and then I then I think 🤔 that’s great. What took so long!
Haha yes definitely recognise myself in the “what took so long”, when suddenly everything seems clear which was just a blurr earlier…
Wonderful post! A "one" that changed me came from jazz pianist Kenny Werner. When studying jazz I'd freeze up when it came to improvise. My identity was tied to the guitar, my self-worth as essentially "you're only as good as your last gig." However, I found I could play freely and have actual fun (dare I say) if I improvised on an instrument that I don't identify with (e.g., the piano.) This was a revelation to me.
Ooh I love this will! I remember you sharing about your identity being so tied to the guitar. It’s very interesting revelation and I can relate to it in other circumstances. For example being new and a “nobody” here on Substack compared to on other social media for my other art has definitely relieved a lot of creative pressure someone… it’s like a new slate.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience really appreciate it!
I feel the same way about Substack too!
Definitely resonates with me. You could apply "idea" to X such as a night out where you meet friends that changes the trajectory of your life, or if you say yes to some other opportunity that leads to something bigger. It's a mystery waiting to unfold. I would have never gotten published in the NYT unless someone suggested it to me! Here's to following your gut Elin :)
Yes you’re very right it can be applied across the board! What’s equally interesting is how not only yes to something can, but also no… by saying no to something you indirectly say yes to something else.
How exciting the NYT sounds like! What ripple effects did it have?
I like that point, saying no is saying yes to something else.
The ripple effects were: a high that lasted for 1 week, countless conversations with strangers that were very meaningful, and a confidence that has stuck with me until now and hopefully forever.
I love what a profound impact it had on your confidence as it will most likely have positive impacts even beyond consciousness 🙏🏼
As usual, you provide challenging food for thought! I share your love for questions. I also have a deep value for what I like to think of as the “Knowing” that lives deep within us. I think of this knowing as a deep knowledge that results from our being an expression of the source of all things. I like to think of questions as the healthy tension between the “Knowing” and our Earth Born Amnesia. Without questions, we will simply remain in a deep state of forgetfulness. At least that’s how I see it!
Oooh this is juicy and couldn’t be more on line with my follow your gut publication haha. I think without questions to pursue, life must indeed be incredibly dull. Imagine to not want to learn something new? Actually I can’t even imagine that haha
I agree!! Bless the questions!
Love this topic! Love your embroidery!
When I am constricted and living reactively, there is no room for inspiration. I’m not looking around, I’m looking down, one foot in front of the other.
When I am open, rested and curious, these nuggets (like the beautiful nugget from Beth) land, germinates and flourishes.
Here’s to many more life altering nuggets (and many more photos of your art 😍)
Thank you Mika for your sweet words and for sharing your experience too!
It’s really this isn’t it - we can only see it if we’re ready for it. When I was deep in postpartum depression last year I was just surviving and nothing new came to me. Whereas now, I feel I’m existing the other side and everything starts to flourish again.
I’m definitely inspired to add more of my art to my writing!! Want to do more sketching too….
I have a saying. "One radical question is worth more than one thousand uninspired answers." I find the place of not knowing as fertile ground for creation. I love questions. One of my favorite quotes is by Rilke. "“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” I'm still waiting, joyfully, for that day.
Thank you so much Alicia for adding this quote, I have to keep it in my journal too - this is absolutely inspiring ❣️ “do not seek the answers that cannot be given you”… powerful!!!
You are most welcome! And I’m enjoying reading your posts!
Thank you Alicia!!
Ah, Rilke! That quote is everything!
Oh your embroidery is magical!!! Love this so much ❤️
Aw thank you Emma!!
I loved this so much, Elin.
Oh I feel this 💯
You and Beth are speaking my language. The language of inquisition.
For me, writing is how I process things (events, memories, feelings). Writing is what slows me down. So that I can ask the questions. If I don’t slow down, I miss so much. It’s why I keep coming back to write.
Thanks for stirring all this up today. Love it ✨
Thank you Allison so glad you enjoyed it!! Writing does the same for me, and it certainly helps to bring attention to the present and better organise things in the mind somehow 🙏🏼❣️
Yes! It only takes one idea to change your life - if you're open to it! And remaining open takes consistent work. I love what you said about needing many "one's" to lead to a new destiny. Because it's usually not just one thing, even if one thing was the turning point. So here's to staying open!
Yay cheers to staying open indeed 🥰🥂
Also, Love all the photos of your embroidery in front of the places that inspired them! 🎨🔮✨️♥️
Thank you so much!! ☺️
Love your idea of just ONE thing! I am getting ready to explore this soon by looking at how music (and playing the piano specifically) is just 12 notes, two hands, and 10 fingers. Really very simple but it is how I work with those simple things that creates the music when I play. Even when the music is difficult, it still boils down to those things. If I can remember that, I can literally play anything!
Love this simplification of playing the piano ✨ it makes me think of how I always teach (and think of) my embroidery art…. How can I create the visual effect using only 5 basic stitches? All of my designs, no matter how elaborate all stem from the same 5 bases.
It’s really great for inspiration whenever we restrict (or realise that we’re restricted like in the piano) and still can create infinite magic 🪄❤️
Your work is stunning!
Thank you so much! ☺️
Thank you Elin! I agree that just one idea can change your life and would probably even go further into the infinitely infinitesimal nanoseconds that have the power to change not only your life but you yourself! Who you are, not just who you think you are either but your very essence that may not even be on the horizon of your consciousness. I think that the Grace of God works maybe possibly something like that when His Spirit breathes into our soul our heart and mind may not even fathom it at the time ….. but I am speculating don’t know for sure just going on faith which is as we all know the evidence of things unseen and the substance of hope ! 😊
Yes I definitely think His Spirit works the same way! To change your life to me, means that’s we change along it or else we’d be stuck in the same old patterns without much change…. One must be open for the change in order for it to happen, which is why it doesn’t happen all the time but more in subtle ways (and sometimes not so subtle). ❤️
Ah there you have it my friend! 😊 I am no scientist but love the whole quantum entanglement concept and how our free will works in synergy or harmonizes with the Holy Spirit! The difficult part is what you mention keeping ourselves open to the movement of the Spirit and removing the obstacles to our participation in the Will of God.
I love journaling but struggled to write consistently until I committed to substack. I’ve had so many insights into myself by writing and also reading on substack. Finding substack has spurred me on to discover more about myself and to create all sorts of things that were just wishes before. The little sparks build up until they suddenly burst into flames.
Love this Val thanks for sharing your experience! I can totally relate - Substack has become so much more than I first imagined it to be. Feel so inspired in a way that I haven’t in a very long time. Happy to be here with you 🥰
“It only takes one” is one of my favorite reminders to adhere to and I love applying it to creativity too. For me, professionally, personally, even just needing to find one donor medically— the power of only needing one has been a great, strange throughline.
One is all you need to make a change 👏 you’re so right in all aspects of life and thanks for this addition ❤️