Welcome to Follow Your Gut, a newsletter about the artist life and business from a mother of two. After soon a decade as an independent artist and writer, the question is not only how to do it, but how to continue to follow your gut in a world that tries its best to stuff it with fluff.
In my welcome email that gets automatically sent to everyone who joins my publication Follow Your Gut, I share my vision for what the benefit of my newsletter is for you.
In short;
I believe that any one book can change someone’s life when read at the right time in the right place.
The same applies to newsletters, where each letter has the potential to provide that one idea or concept that may lead to a complete shift and opening of perspectives and ultimately change someone’s life.
All it takes is one thing.
One thing to start.
One thing to change.
One thing to continue.
Yes, it’s not one thing for the whole transformation, rather it’s the cumulative effect of many “one:s” that aligns in the most beautiful way to create someone’s destiny…
We may not have an influence on when or where the next one thing will present itself. But we do have the power over how we respond to it when it appears (probably in the most subtle of ways) and choose whether to incorporate it into our lives or not.

My mission is not to imply that I have the answers. Rather, my mission is to open questions and the possibilities for potentially new reflections (all in the pursuit of discovering one’s own intuition and gut feeling).
This is why, when I read the sentence:
“I don’t write books because I have all the answers. I write books because I have so many questions.”
, I immediately felt in the depth of my gut that this, this is the type of idea that has the potential to change my life. Beth goes on by saying:“Here's the thing: It’s deep in the not knowing that the interesting things happen. All the questions that lead to adventures, good conversations, book ideas, live in the not knowing. So I am happy that I don’t know what I am doing, or else I’d have nothing to explore, nothing to have a real conversation about, no ideas for books. It is our curiosity, and our willingness to walk through the dark of the unknown carrying nothing but our questions, that leads us to write our best books.”
Suddenly it all made sense.
Why, from one day to the next (of opening this publication), I was liberated to write and share my creativity again after a long period of drought.
I have no answers, merely suggestions. On the other hand, I have plenty of questions and more are continuously added as I progress through life.
It’s questions that open for the most intriguing explorations. It’s questions that contributes to the thriving conversations we’re having in the comments and over on Notes. It’s questions, that connect us through deeper reflections across borders and demographics.
When I thought I had to wait for all the answers to appear before I could write my next book, I got it all wrong.
reminds us that the time will never come if answers is your sole permission slip. Rather, you know you’re ready when you’re full of questions.Thank you Beth for this reminder and for giving such a beautiful example of how one idea is enough to change the course of someone’s life… Now I’m off to scribble book ideas!
Thank you for reading!
Ps. What questions come to mind when reading this? Do you agree, or not? Do you also have an example of one thing that has had a profound impact on an aspect of your life?
You’re warmly invited to share it in the comments! I can’t wait to read it
And if you think others may find as much value in this idea of "questions being our guide as opposed to answers, then don’t hesitate to share parts or the full piece.
Oh, and a little bonus… Some more gallery images of other embroideries I’ve done through the years and shared in a similar way:

You can also check out the how, why, who and what in the post below:
I have had a similar drought period when it comes to sharing anything creative, and for some reason Substack has also been a catalyst for me. The idea of starting at the ground floor of any industry is daunting, but all you can do is take the first step!
It’s said - and is true, from my experience - that solutions to problems, creative ideas come to you when your mind is relaxed. There’s just this flow that happens and I love when the connections jump together and then I then I think 🤔 that’s great. What took so long!