Sep 28Liked by Elin Petronella

So beautifully said, Elin!I wish all your 20 points were true for me too! 🥹 And I would add this one: You don't have to wait for the end of the project to celebrate, you can celebrate small achievements at every step of the project. 😌

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Yes absolutely love that!!

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I love everything about this post!

I’d add these two which might be covered already (so I’ll also add Surrender to failing 😉)

➡️ Create more than you consume

➡️ If you don’t ask, you don’t get

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Yes, fabulous additions, thanks love 😍 🔥

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Sep 28Liked by Elin Petronella

Love this list, need to print it out and read it every day! Thank you! 🙏

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Me too ✨ I have it on post it notes a bit disorganized at the moment 🫣💖

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Hi Elin! I LOVE this and such a great reminder... the photo is really great, you look so relaxed and completely in the moment 🥰

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Thanks a lot Eva!! 🥰

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Thanks for all these reminders Elin!

I might make the following a post... But for now, here's a comment as a result of your piece.

A dozen things that help me learn in new ways with a curious beginner's mindset, every single day:

1. Ask "why" loads (and a bit more than that)

2. Also, ask more questions than you answer (especially when your job is to answer stuff!)

3. Consider intention (more of that "why" goodness)

4. Do stuff without intention too, just exploring "because" (balance, my friend)

5. Stay open to everything (it's difficult—really difficult—but worth it)

6. Ignore judgement (yep, that old chestnut!)

7. Challenge what you think you know (even when you're adamant)

8. Step by step can be both gradual and super quick (cautiously whooshing and whooshing cautiously)

9. Try new perspectives (even when you're happy with the current one)

10. Love the whole process (the end result is a bonus!)

11. Learn from everyone (including those you disagree with...there's gold to be found in those places)

12. A challenge isn't a block, it's a curious place with many options (what challenges have you overcome?)

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Ooooh this is so good!! Especially love the: love the whole process! Because it’s inevitably going to be uncomfortable (trying new perspectives) but there’s beauty in the hard times too 🙏🏼 thanks for sharing!

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I'd add - you're allowed to have fun

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I so needed to hear this, thank you.

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