Hi there!
I’m thrilled to see you here fellow dreamer.
Follow your gut is for dream-driven artists and writers craving to reconnect with their intuition in a world that tries to drown it in noise.
With poignant writing about the artist life and business from a soon decade long career and two littles in tow, I hope to open new perspectives and ideas for what’s possible.
You can live a life of your dreams, if you allow it.
It’s mind blowing to think of how much growing into the person and parent we want to be, involves a complete cleanse of pre-set structures and ideas of what one can and cannot do (at various stages of life).
Each year as an artist and mother, I feel as though I have to peel through another layer of bullshit that only God knows how and when it got installed into my brain.
We’re taught that dreams don’t come true for regular folks like you and me, so better settle for the conventional. The safe 9-5, the kids in daycare routine, the “you can always enjoy art as a hobby and your family in the weekends”.
Screw that.
Making art and being with my children is what my life is about and I don’t want anyone else to tell me how that should look like.
I lead my dream life. It’s not easy, but WOW it’s worth it. Every drop of sweat and tears are worth it every day of the week.
—> How to Follow Your Gut in a world that tries to fill it with fluff?
—> How to reconnect with our intuitive powers of knowing what’s right for us, our art, our business AND FAMILY without the need to consult an external recipe for success?
Come find out!
HEADS UP: I’ve set up shop on the Substack high-street
Become a paying reader of Follow Your Gut and get access to my digital bookshop right here on Substack (it’s the home for great culture, right?)
The following title is currently available:
When Will You Get a Real Job? (You can read more about the book here)