Ah, I think you read my mind today. My imposter syndrome was asking this very thing, “why would people want to read my articles when there are so many others to read?”

Thanks for making my worries seem normal. ♥️ the art is the journey - I love that.

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Whenever I feel alone in anything I always try to remind myself that there are most likely thousands of others thinking/feeling the very same thing this exact minute ❣️ you’re never alone, which can feel quite comforting 🥰 thanks for being here Lynsey! Let’s make an artful journey ✨

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This is very true ♥️

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I thought this exact thing too Lynsey. ❤️

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We’re more normal than we think 😊♥️

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As someone just getting started on Substack, this spoke to my heart. Thank you for sharing this.

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Thank you Courtney, I’m thrilled to have you here! It’s been just little under 3 months for me, but I dare to say I love it on most days haha ❣️

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So glad to have found you and your writing!

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YES. I absolutely feel daunted by the sheer amount of talent on this platform. It's a wonderful environment and I relish the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing it anyway. Your reflections call to mind a quote from Olivia Laing's book "The Lonely City" where she mentions even Wittgenstein had the same fears of miscommunication:

"The fear of being misunderstood or failing to generate understanding haunted Wittgenstein...The idea that language is a game at which some players are more skilled than others has a bearing on the vexed relationship between loneliness and speech. Speech failures, communication breakdowns, misunderstandings, mishearings, episodes of muteness, stuttering and stammering, word forgetfulness, even the inability to grasp a joke: all these things invoke loneliness, forcing a reminder of the precarious, imperfect means by which we express our interiors to others."

I think about this way too often, thanks for your wonderful reflections (and the shout out!)

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Ooooh I love this quote thank you Will for bringing this to the conversation too 😍👏 I totally see the relevance especially with my little footballer anecdote haha, writing is definitely a game of sorts and sometimes we’re in flow and other times not at all and would rather hide under the sheets.

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Absolutely! It's an ebb and flow. For the longest time I tried to control it, to make the flow happen but I've finally learned to just go with the tide.

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Cheers to you for that realization 🥂 I think it will bring you beautiful places 👏

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Thanks, Elin! Your posts certainly help!

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Yay I’m so glad ☺️

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For those of us near the beginning of our writing journey like me, yes the intimidation is real! Substack is full of talent. And maybe that uncomfortable feeling is necessary if we want to be read and understood, as it keeps us developing our craft whilst knowing our posts are ‘good enough’. We write the best we can given where we are, where we came from, the time we have, our level of experience etc. And our kind readers will forgive us our shortcomings while we are learning! Thanks for the mention @elin Petronella 💛

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Thank you Kate for adding such valuable reflections to the conversation 🥰 it’s all a learning journey isn’t it ❣️so grateful to have you along, it feels less lonely knowing we’re many thinking the same things 🫶🏼

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So with you on this one Kate. It’s so easy to look at the incredible professional writers on here and question myself …but then we come back to our own stories, our own voices, our communities. Gorgeous piece Elin. Thank you for the mention too🙏🏽

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Feb 19Liked by Elin Petronella

Oh my goodness! There have been moments after reading beautiful pieces here that I’ve thought “I should just pack up and head out.” But that’s not the point. I’m not trying to be them or as good as them. All I can do is show you honestly and vulnerably, so that’s what I try to do…

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Yes 🙌 hitting the nail on its head - “not trying to be them”, because you’re much more beautiful and talented being you 🥰

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Feb 19Liked by Elin Petronella


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Feb 20Liked by Elin Petronella

Truly appreciated 👍..it's is sometimes overwhelming as just starting to get in the space ...but you do what you do .

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Glad you enjoyed it 🥰

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Elin I am so in awe of the fact you write so well and prolifically especially as it’s not in your first language. I find your writing really endearing, you come across very authentic and effortless — that’s what I connect with so much. Some writing can feel forced, even fraudulent, but you are the antithesis of that. X

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Aw thank you Natasha, this hits home ❤️ I’ve honestly had a really tough day (pp hormones still making a mess sometimes…) so I was hesitant of whether I should’ve posted this today or just wait a bit… but then I said f* it. This is me. Take it or leave it 🥰 grateful to have you on board ❣️

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I am glad you took the plunge and hit publish because I also had a shit day — pp hormones responsible here too — and your words have made me feel measurably better! So thanks ❤️

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Oh this made my evening, thank you MAMA - we’ve got this 💪🏼🥂🫶🏼❣️

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Feb 19Liked by Elin Petronella

First, thanks for the mention. I appreciate it. This one does feel special, even from you who's a master of the special stuff. The truth is that it does require both courage and confidence. Sharing one's work is to open oneself to criticism, even ridicule.

As a non-native speaker myself, I get this point very well. Of course, we do get better with time, as it happens with everything we practice regularly. But I do personally know some people who've let fear hold them back.

I've lived many lives, but one thing remain true in all of them: if I was the type of person who waits for an invitation or permission, I would not have lived long enough to receive it. Sometimes we just have to trust ourselves, start, and fail all the way to becoming better.

Thanks, once again, Elin. I repeat that this is a special one.

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” if I was the type of person who waits for an invitation or permission, I would not have lived long enough to receive it.” Wow this one hit home!

Just as it can feel intimidating to write in a mother language, I’m grateful for it everyday because it allows people like you and I to connect across continents on a common ground. Languages is gold and the more you master the more you can cross borders 🙏🏼

I’m very happy you appreciated this one! And I’m getting the feeling that one day we’ll have to write something together 💯

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Feb 19Liked by Elin Petronella

Yes. Challenges (including having to do intimidating stuff) can indeed be opportunities. Thanks, and welcome, always. I too do have this feeling. Our time here will be long; I'm sure we'll get to write something together at some point.

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I’m sure of it 👏 I also want to read your book eventually! I sometimes wish there were more hours in the day. But now I think I got to 😴😴

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Feb 19Liked by Elin Petronella

Thanks, it's OK, the beauty of it is that books don't go anywhere. Mine can wait.

But I think you're just an incredibly fast person in a lot of things. Even the speed with which you reply to comments, like those in this thread (all while keeping responses exhaustive), is just surprising.

Don't know if it's something you've always had or it comes from having to juggle several things/projects at the same time. But you are fast in thinking and doing.

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Yes you’re right - the beauty of books is that they become a legacy of sorts, something that will always stay behind regardless of when our time on earth is up 🙏🏼

Thank you for your sweet words, this made me reflect a lot this morning…. It’s true that my mind is always turning very quickly… for good and bad. It makes it a harder struggle to sometimes silence and slow it down to limit overthinking, but it’s definitely an advantage when it comes to “just get on with things” and be able to add another building stone towards the life I want for myself and my family.

I think I have a fear of feeling stuck…. It’s as if feeling stuck makes its tickle all over my body and I just need to get out, take a drive, a walk, write just anything to put myself in movements. It doesn’t mean that I’m restless, because I feel very fulfilled in current circumstance but rather I think it’s just an inherent desire to explore all the beauty and possibility that exists and a realization that we only have one life to do it (and if we don’t no one else will do it for us….)

I want to show my children that if you’re passionate about something, or if you have something to say, it’s only you who limit yourself to get it out to the world. And ones you unblock those limitations, well, anything can happen ❣️

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Feb 20Liked by Elin Petronella

Thanks for mentioning me Elin! I have nothing to add besides to say everyone just write whatever you want! Writing is such a wonderfully pure thing and I love reading all the ways that it manifests.

Truthfully, this platform has been one of the few places where I see people absolutely killing it. It's a buffet of delicious prose. Like you mentioned, I find it very inspiring and a little intimidating that it's all just... out there. And so are my words. But that's what's cool... I think?

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A buffet of delicious prose, you nailed it Elliott!!

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I really enjoy your writing, Elin. I'm pretty new to Substack and what I struggle with most is making myself vulnerable in a way that's different from my books. I spent the past couple years (after my first book came out) thinking of marketing as a series of things I "should" be doing. And this year (with a second book coming out in the fall), I'm really trying to embrace connecting with other people in a very human, vulnerable way (based on my books and my life experiences), but sometimes when I hit "publish," I still worry that I *shouldn't* be writing about the topic in my latest post. So far, I've pushed through and posted anyway, and I appreciate posts like yours to encourage me to keep doing it. ❤️

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Thank you so much Brieanna, this means a lot! And I think there are seasons one just have to push through to publish anyway and other seasons when it feels easier, it’s like life in general…. Sometimes it flows sometimes it doesn’t but we can’t stop living for our dreams anyhow!

What are your books about? 🥰

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Totally agree - but it's way more fun when it's flowing! 😄 I write young adult novels, usually coming-of-age type stories with some romance thrown in. ❤️

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Oooh sounds like the type of books I devoured when I was that age, it’s an important work as it’s such a sensitive age I’m sure your books can have a big impact ❤️

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Thank you. ❤️ I've tried writing for all different ages and once I found YA, I knew that was my sweet spot.

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Feb 20Liked by Elin Petronella

I've only started writing on substack, and I've absolutely felt intimidated to do so! I have no writing education beyond the basics taught in high school, so I often feel like everyone is able to write more eloquently than I am - and if they're out there writing about similar topics but in a much better way, why would anyone bother to read mine? What's even the point of me writing at all if I know I'm never going to be great at it? But one doesn't improve at this by not doing them.

I love your line about appearing as a beginner being a sign that you're a lifelong learner - we all start somewhere! What a boring world it would be if only the people who were the 'best' at artistic endeavors were allowed to publish their works. We all have something valuable to contribute, and it's so important to not get discouraged and compare ourselves. I actually started a piece about this a few weeks ago but abandoned it because the old imposter syndrome/'nobody cares what you have to say' snuck up on me - you've inspired me to finish it!

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You’re highlighting so many questions that we all have and I love the conclusion that we can’t beat them if we don’t keep working on it. We don’t get better at something without practicing.

I hope you’ll finish the piece and would love if you tag me so I can read it too 🥰 all the courage to you! 🥂❣️

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Thank you 😊

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Feb 20Liked by Elin Petronella

Elin, this is wonderful. I actually just wrote about the same topic and came to the same conclusions as you. You can only be who you are, and there's no point of trying to play a part or act a role on this platform. Lean into your authentic self and there is no doubt that your writing will benefit greatly from it.

Also, for the record, I had no idea that English was your second language until you mentioned it, so please don't underestimate your ability. I've been studying another language for over 6 years now, and could never hope to express myself in it as clearly and eloquently as you have here.

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Thank you Dan that’s really sweet of you and I appreciate your feedback!! Though I feel confident in my proficiency, writing these type of texts especially in an environment with so many skilled natives puts it all on edge a bit more!

So glad you enjoyed this essay 🙏🏼

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I definitely feel like this right now especially as so many big names are bringing their audiences over here. But, you know what? I actually love writing here every week, no matter what. It has given me an audience (however small) and a commitment to produce a piece of quality writing every week. It is getting easier as time goes by and I still get a buzz everytime I hit the publish button. So I have decided to carry on regardless, shutting out the noise from the popular crowd and just keep writing. I've always done my own thing, not fawning over the most popular person in the room, so why start now?

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No 👏 matter 👏 what 👏 definitely!! Why start now? Better keep doing your thing as you’ve always done 🥳

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Feb 20Liked by Elin Petronella

Thoughts come and go: you can't / what's the point / who cares and so on. But words are solid, tangible things that come and stay. That's enough to keep on writing more words and share them. Who will listen to the story they bring along I can't tell. I can tell my story though in hope that someone will. As it turns out there are plenty who listen, even as I speak a language that is not my first, or my second. Just a language I love, one I samelessly decided to make it mine. Or maybe "it" decided to adopt me. I am still young and have a lot to learn. Dictionary is my best friend.

Intimidating? YES. Is there another option? NO.

Thank you, dear Elin, for your words remind me that we're all in this together... somehow.

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Love the: is there another option? NO. That’s exactly how I feel too. There’s just no other option than keep going forward ❣️

We sure are 🥰

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Feb 20Liked by Elin Petronella


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Feb 20Liked by Elin Petronella

Oh yes. All of this. Inspired because there is so much great writing it’s thrilling. And desperately unaccomplished, due to the former. Which can be problematic. What helps me is thinking beyond the ‘skill’ or ‘talent’ piece. No one will write like me (or you). No one has the same experiences or thoughts, tone, connection. The best story tellers are not always the best writers after all. So I try to just do my thing. Keep learning. Keep improving. Avoid comparing and being swayed to write a certain way. Keep having fun. But wow is it hard sometimes 🤣. Thanks for making this point so well

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You’re very right on the point about not all great storytellers are necessarily great writers (and the other way around!). This is a point I forgot to mention in the article and I’m kind of inspired to expand on in a separate one now haha.

I guess because I’m more drawn to the storytelling aspect than the literary one and then can sometimes feel guilty (or intimidated) for doing so. The mind is a juggle sometimes hey 😅🥰

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Feb 20Liked by Elin Petronella

Yes! Exactly. Me too. You've actually just made me realise that I am this way inclined also. You most definitely could write a second article (especially since this whole theme seems to resonate with people strongly). I enjoy some Substacks because they offer the most warmth or the most humour, when they are 100% not the most beautifully articulated.

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