Apr 3Liked by Elin Petronella

I like this a lot, Elin! When I enter an overthinking mode, I go for a run and run as fast as I can manage until I literally can't think of anything else other than my breath and my legs moving. It really helps me come back into my body and ironically I tend to get my best ideas by the end of it. I can really relate to the sleep deprivation too, being a mother myself.

It's funny too... I just realised that I in fact followed you for a long time on Instagram until I left the platform (and most other social media) for personal reasons a few years ago. Instagram stopped bringing me joy and I remember grieving the loss of inspiring creative content and people like you. It's wonderful how I've found you again on here completely by chance. Love your work and dedication. Shine on!

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Oh I 💯 percent relate! I used to do the same with sports whenever I got stuck. Sadly I haven’t gotten into the groove yet since children and haven’t been running for about 4 years… I used to be somewhat of a workoutaholic so in some way I think the total break has been good for my body too strangely, now I try to ease in with some Pilates but get mostly interrupted with my toddlers lol. The daily hikes in nature though keeps me grounded and moving 🙏🏼

So excited to hear that you saw me on Instagram some years back! It’s been a delight to rediscover and reconnect with people that followed me over there in the past. Glad to have you, this is a bit different format but so far I’m loving it 🥰

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Apr 4Liked by Elin Petronella

Oh I'm sure fitness wise you're in tip top form from trying to keep up with the little ones! My sprints are just are just about the only me time I get and it's a luxury.

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Yeah me time is not very present in this household… so I decided to make me-time even when I’m with my children lol that’s when I draw and do my art in the morning while my oldest draws next to me and the youngest is trying to destroy whatever we draw 😂 been doing it more intentionally for the past 2 months and it’s getting better and better! Rarely get to finish the coffee hot but mostly, and with some nice music on (I get to choose what we listen to). It’s my favorite time of the day now ❤️

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Sounds like you're setting a beautiful example to them and showing how innate creativity and essential rest is to their mama. I must say I was wondering how you manage to do all the needlework around them. We aren't there yet with particularly intentional drawing (my son is 18 months) but we spend a lot of time gardening, in our local woods and playing with mud haha the mud is a godsend! Gives me a chance to gather my thoughts while he makes fake mud food in the garden. You've inspired me to try sketching while we spend time together. I really miss drawing and reading your stuff made me think why save it till he's older?!

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It looks like a real job to me! I suggest your check out https://sneakyart.substack.com/ - because you are both unique storytellers - which is not to suggest you are alike in anyway, but both seem similar enough to deserve some comparison.

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Oh I love sneakyart! Its great how he integrates his sketches as part of the storyline - I enjoy to do it too with both my embroidery and sketches and whatever I end up making 🙏🏼 makes the storytelling take on additional dimension - thanks for checking in Mark! 🥂

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I think a lot, but when I get into overthinking mode, it's a living hell. However I found was to deal with it, simple things as breathing and saying something like 'in the grand scheme of things, this doesn't matter at all' - and that helps a lot.

I used to lie awake in bed for hours, but that only happens occasionally now. I do have some sleepless nights once in a while :)

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I feel you I’ve been there too!! I do the same thing and sometimes it also helps me to think “in xx amount of time life will be different and this won’t even matter”. Like this it puts a time perspective too of sorts

Whatever works ❣️👏

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Apr 9Liked by Elin Petronella

I love this so much. I, like you, found myself overthinking several Substack pieces last week and ended up writing one off the cuff a few days later (after editing and re-editing two other posts that never felt quite right).

It seems so silly given I'm here (in large part) to cultivate and explore my own authenticity — so why get wrapped up in how a piece might be perceived?

It's always a comfort to read about others experiencing this same over-thinking that we know is pervasive yet often feels lonely. Thank you, Elin! ❤️

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I’m glad you’re here Miriam! Indeed it’s funny how everyone feels lonely in something that almost everyone experience… that’s why we need to talk about it more 😍🙏🏼

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Apr 9Liked by Elin Petronella

I was recently reading Mary Oliver’s poetry book for students — and a lot of this resonate— I appreciate how you shared both overthinking and reflection for showing up and putting in the work for years. It’s the reminder I needed this morning to continue to show up for myself in my work, and to also know I may continue to overthink but not necessarily have or need to have all that (and more) thinking about it.

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Right! Overthinking will most likely never go away (it’s partly part of the creative process and imagination isn’t it?), but to learn how we can “overcome it” or to create and publish anyway is probably where the gold is 💞

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Apr 15Liked by Elin Petronella

So beautifully said!

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Apr 8Liked by Elin Petronella

Embroidery in public. Awesome in both photo and the doing of it. Do people ever stop and just watch you?

Your work is gorgeous.

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Yes all the time haha interestingly enough it’s also a great way to get a better feel for local cultures where in some places people will observe from afar and in others they’ll come up and chit chat.

It’s definitely a great conversation starter 💫🥂

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Apr 4Liked by Elin Petronella

To be able to write about not being able to write—the mark of a true writer lol

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Hahah thank you Bethel I take that as a warm compliment ❣️ it’s funny it’s the only thing that works for me to break the cycle of sorts… writing about it. Same with art, if I’m not happy with what I’m making I start sketching what’s around me instead of whatever I have on the previous paper. It usually works wonders 💫

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I'm getting much closer to finishing my novel and I'm wondering if there will come a time when I think, "That's it, it's done now" (which does happen with my shorter pieces) or if I will just think and tinker and think and tinker for the rest of my life haha!

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Hahah you’re about to find out! For me most work comes to a point of just wanting it out there and I have to restrain myself from not keep re-reading once it’s published too… the book I’m currently editing has been dormant (as in I haven’t looked at it since I published it first time soon 5 years ago) and now I’m almost floored with wanting to tinker and tweak so much haha xD but someone adviced me to not change too much as it also marks the progression of style

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Hi Elin, I love the idea of showing up regardless of whether you feel like it or not. I think that is where success is made. It reminds me of Steven Pressfield’s “The War of Art”.

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Absolutely! I read it many years ago, which makes me reminded that I definitely want to reread it! Thanks 🤗

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Apr 3Liked by Elin Petronella

This hits home. I'm such an over-thinker! But I'm also getting better at letting the trolls know that I will never reach the point of perfection, so they may as well stop trolling now. Then I just close my eyes and hit publish!

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Wonderful! I’m in the same boat, Realising that perfection doesn’t exist even though we always kind of strive for it. It does gets a bit easier with time to just hit publish and see where it goes. To some extent if it doesn’t work out there’s always a new day and trial tomorrow 🥰

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Lovely piece my friend. From exquisite creativity to generous vulnerability, such gifts you bring!

On over-thinking. The nuancing I’ve had to tease out and learn are the differences between when I’m overthinking (so called) and when I’m gestating something and it’s not quite cooked. It’s the distinction between fannying about for some reasons (insecurity, perfectionist tendencies, blah blah) and needing to honour when my overthinking is warranted.

For instance I led a Substack mastermind and I was the last to take actions I knew how to do. It was hard to explain that I wasn’t overthinking and yes I could have just knee jerked into action BUT I was listening hard to my gut that said, “follow your timing. Trust yourself”. I did exactly that and am so glad as it worked for me.

Big hug. Been thinking of you. 😘

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This is a very subtle distinction that I don’t think gets enough attention. Thanks for shining some light on it!

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Thanks for your comment David.

As I consider this more the magic is in our relationship to ourselves. It’s our ability to build consciousness within our internal system so that we can be honest with ourself. Not a wee bit honest but the ouch that’s tough to understand about myself and my agendas kind of clarity.

From there it’s possible to ask: Is this distracting putting-off behaviour or am I overthinking this for other purposes? What’s my game, if I can call it that 😉

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Love this distinction Danusia thank you ❣️🙏🏼 indeed sometimes we need to let “things sink in” it took me honestly 2 years to start here on Substack too even though I had it in the back of my mind all this time…. And once you feel ready it’s all or nothing 😂🫣

Love having you, you’re such a boost of energy 💫❤️

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Lovely, valuable as always

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Thank you lovely 🥰

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Apr 9Liked by Elin Petronella

Beautiful way to put it. “If there’s something my children have taught me it’s that overthinking unnecessarily over-complicates life.”

The saying that worry is like a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but gets you no where 🪑

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Oh thanks Jenni another banger to keep in mind! Rocking the chair keeps you busy but gets you nowhere… thanks I’ll remember this one 😍

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Totally resonated with this piece Elin, I’ve been overthinking my most recent piece on Substack. Instead of meandering and distracting myself (not a good feeling) I just pushed past it by knowing that I will feel better for finishing it and publishing it, even if it’s not my best work. I love the expression “Don’t get it right, get it written”!

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Yeah sometimes to just get it written is what’s needed! If we get too caught up in perfectionism when pursuing creative paths it’s hard to advance at all… that is not to say that we should put out just anything, but advancements is sometimes more important as a so-so piece can unblock the most brilliant one that was hidden behind it 🥰👏

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Apr 5Liked by Elin Petronella

6 years is a long time and a great accomplishment! And I love those patterns!

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Thank you Leanna 🥰

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I can be *such* an overthinker for sure! I've really had to tell myself to slow down and challenge those overthinking thoughts, as for me they often don't reflect the reality.

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Vivid imagination can be your best friend and worst enemy can’t it! Just being aware of it is already a huge step 🥰

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