Jun 10Liked by Elin Petronella

I've realized over the years that I spend WAY too much time thinking about the future. I also get things done action wise but these two combined have historically been a recipe for burn out. I recently noticed that I often get these "downloads" or brilliant ideas for art or projects and not all of them are meant for me to take action on and actually, someone else is meant to pursue it or come to me as a co-creator. I'm learning to balance action with waiting. ❤️ thank you for this insightful essay!

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The balance is always the hardest part isn’t it!! But sounds like you’ve come so far in Realising where you need to find it 🥰💕

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There's so much wisdom in here Elin, your post is the pep talk I didn't know I needed this morning! I so agree with taking small steps and not being tied down to a plan - I was reminded of this yesterday when creating a sales page, there was so many unexpected things that came up that I had to fix behind the scenes that I hadn't even factored into my plan. So in a way, the plan was redundant. And that's the thing, we only know from actually trying to do the thing, and like you say even if we fail, it's not really failing because a) we were brave enough to do the thing in the first place & b)there's so much we can learn from our mistakes. Thanks for this inspiration this morning 🌟

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Brilliant and I totally see you in the sales page process! It happens to me all the time and I ended up getting so frustrated until I reframed the process in my mind and everything felt easier 💖

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It's amazing how a reframe can make all the difference, just sending ourselves a little bit of compassion or an alternative perspective changes everything.

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I feel exactly the same - reading Elin's article this morning just makes me feel like: "Wow, this is so genuine and helpful and in fact SIMPLE!

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I’m so glad! 🥰

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Not perse with sales pages, but oh so relateable. If possible, I don't set a deadline. I set a goal/what I would want to do, take step one, see where I am now, decide what would be the (best) next step and do that, evaluate again, etc.

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That's a great way to do it, one step at a time, and feels less stressful too because you are focusing on the next thing, rather than all the things.

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Jun 11Liked by Elin Petronella

This was so timely! I have been trying to be more organised, but for some reason with more planning, the more things I have put on my plate and the less time I feel like I have.

Thank you for this lovely piece Elin, it gave me lots to think about.

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Thank you Mika! I’m so glad you found it useful! It’s a paradox really where “less structure” (at least for me) makes me more productive… I truly find that creating a passion driven creative business forces us to operate differently than in traditional jobs 💕

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Not having time because of all that overthinking - so true!

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Isn't it? Like the constant over-thinking leading to inaction since you are trying to plan all the (probably unnecessary for today) things?

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Jun 11Liked by Elin Petronella

Thanks for your post Elin, I recognize myself in what you are writing. I am in a phase where following my gut makes me go through whatever I have to do and create :) It take your advice on focusing on something. I'm still searching where to focus, where my friends tell me "just follow your gut and do what you are good at" (which can only be something I love). So I started to write more and send some of my texts to friends and family. Now I learn how to write for others. After years of misunderstanding, I'm learning to work with my flow even if it's at 11 in the evening and 7 the next morning ;)

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Yay fabulous! You’ll find out “your way” more and more the more you create too, so this is already off to a brilliant start 🙏🏼

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Jun 11Liked by Elin Petronella

Weekly to-dos for the win! I find them so much more expansive than daily checklists.

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Yes I 100% agree 🫶🏼

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Jun 10Liked by Elin Petronella

Try not to worry about the nay sayers. They are everywhere!

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Jun 10Liked by Elin Petronella

Clearly the nay sayers have happened other wise the worry wouldn't exist...

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Haha you’re so right about that! And aren’t they even more present when we’re about to make something BIG?!

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Jun 10Liked by Elin Petronella

Okay that makes me sad because there are some big things I let go because of a chorus of well meaning naysayers every time. Usually it's around finance - with a world of bills and little income everyone said to sort that out "first". But my gut says that the creative is the path to "sorting" and to joy.

I find those creative ideas-in-the-world won't leave, no matter how tired I am now from so long trying to fix the finances (and everything that goes with it). The ideas are.like a haunting, but a joyful dancing no judging elf-in-the-forest in your peripheral vision kind of patient friend. And - just to clutter this up but I'll stop then - ADHD means you're not there for your friends even though you are there in your.mind and heart every second (this is never talked about in ADHD stuff)

Thanks for the emotional trigger. I needed it. Forgetting and accepting non-creativity is the worst thing.

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Dear Peter thanks for sharing such a vulnerable comment!

I understand where you come from and the naysayers probably mean well, but I’ve come to see that when we embrace things that we love such as art and creativity regardless of the stressors around, it gives us the energy to power through what else needs to be done too. Because life isn’t just a passage of time, and if sorting things out will take forever, then better make that sorting as joyful as it can be by incorporating the creativity as much as possible 🥰

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It’s not possible to worry about things that have happened.

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Be aware of how much you talk about your traumatic past vs how much you talk about your bright future. We often get stuck in unconscious loops of complaining and dwelling. Catch yourself the next time it happens and change the conversation or action 🙏🏽

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