"The key is frequency, not quality nor quantity: FREQUENCY."

This is so interesting to me Elin. I never thought of it this way before. I've always thought this was very binary with artists--choosing between quality or quantity. I wrote every weekday for a few years, and I always felt a little weird about calling that "quantity." For me, it was just me practicing what I loved, and sometimes the stuff I wrote daily WAS quality. The framing of these this dilemma in the creative community always felt a little weird to me. You just added a lot more nuance to it. Thank you.

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Im so glad this resonated Thomas! It’s fascinating you bring up the binary element, because yes actually think it’s the binary thinking that makes it hard for artists and creatives. Society pushes binary thinking in every area of life if you think about it, which is why we must actively ”un-school” ourselves to relearn new reframes that supports our work 🙏🏼

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It’s so cute to think of the little ones calling their play ‘work’, but also so valuable! Still learning every day to regard play as something sacred 💕

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Yes it is very cute and feels profound somehow! I don’t want my kids to associate work with only things they don’t enjoy doing… 🙏🏼

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Like love love! Also, hi it’s me! 😇

I sent the questions without my name, thought a little mystery never hurts 😅

Thought they’d be fun to answer and interesting to read - at least I hoped so

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Haha yes bright minds think alike hey mystery is always exciting haha - I’m so excited it was you who did it! And the questions were brilliant from a response pov too hopefully it’s been fun for readers 🥰

One question that I didn’t answer because it didn’t feel as thematically linked as the rest was about the past one year experience on substack: what worked then that doesn’t now and vice versa… one thing that stands out bright and clear is how massively reach and engagement has shifted (dare I say for everyone). The general CTA strategies of inviting folks that worked brilliant a year ago doesn’t work anymore. I don’t know if it’s a general overwhelm/fatigue or if it’s something that’s shifted with the algos….

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❤️ I completely forgot about the other question and makes sense you didn’t include it, didn’t fit with the rest so thanks for taking the time to answer it here. And your perspective totally resonates. Will be interesting to test & observe how things develop without stressing too much about it. At least for me, the more I want to get it “right” the less authentic everything feels. 😅 anyways, happy weekend and thanks again for answering my anonymous questions 💃

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I’m 💯 the same! The more I want it the less it works so better just let it fly and do what feels good 👏💕

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Tune in to what feels good

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Great questions - and answers. I think creating every day is the key.

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I’m so glad you enjoyed it Lisa! Cheers to daily making 🥂

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