Access THIS as a paying reader of Follow Your Gut
A paid readership directory to make life easier for everyone
Hi there!
I’m absolutely thrilled to have you here at Follow Your Gut where I write about the artist life and business from a soon decade long independent career.
Ps. If you’re a paying reader you can scroll right to the Directory Section below. Grateful for you ❤️
Since joining Substack I have grappled with how to best present my offerings in ways that flow easily. A way that is clear, straight to the point, not too much fuss going on or just general overwhelm…
When I launched the paid offering for this newsletter I did so by opening my digital bookshop here (You can grab my When Will You Get A Real Job, as an instant download).
There’s just a catch (which I didn’t anticipate to be a catch before it was evident…):
The bookshop is hosted on a page as opposed to in an article, which means that I cannot pin it to my profile but must link to it through the menu bar. It also means that I can only choose whether the entire page is paywalled as opposed to intuitively/strategically place a paywall separation WHEREVER I WANT IT.
To have a link in the menu bar is great for those reading on the web. But I never read on the web myself so how can I assume that most of my readers do? In fact, I could not operate Follow Your Gut if I wasn’t able to use Substack on my phone, including writing AND publishing on the go.
When I visit profiles from the app I don’t see the menu bar and this has bothered me.
A hero post is always welcomed, but it still felt insufficient… Like, what do I concretely get?! Or… What do I concretely give access to?
So here I am following up on my own frustration, writing a Paid Readership Directory in the hope that this will make life easier for both of us.
I want your readership to feel FUN, not like another maze to get around.
This space will serve as a clear-cut complement to the Bookshop page (where the downloads will be), including direct links to all the Paywalled essays and resources shared like newsletters.
Fact is:
→ This publication isn’t getting smaller, so hopefully this directory will allow you to go back and forth to fully enjoy your readership and all you get access to. I’ll do my best to consistently update it with any new additions every month (I’ll also go through my archive to place some more pieces behind a paywall).
Ps. If you’re not in a place to upgrade today (or we’re simply too early on in the relationship…) you can browse the general archive here for free reads.
Upgrade your readership today and you’ll get instant access to:
→ When Will You Get A Real Job 📖
Paywalled essays by category:
Self sabotage as a socially accepted norm for Mother-Artists 🔒
Maybe we have to go through a shit-show to fully bloom into who we are meant to be? 🔒
I rather be successful behind the scenes than forced to keep up a fake facade 🔒
Two major themes emerged after the pregnancy announcement, both equally disturbing 🔒
When the end of a chapter is the beginning of something greater 🔒
Intuitive art business:
I also offer personalized 1:1 mentoring through chat and voice notes to optimise for spontaneous and natural communication, time-zone differences + busy lives. You can send me a DM if you think we’d be a good fit (proper info page is coming soon)❤️
Sending you loads of creative energy!
Elin xx