Hi there,
I’m Elin Petronella and I approach my one year writerversary here on Substack. There’s lots to love and lots to feel frustrated about, thankfully not in equal measure.
I wrote the essay below in a one-stream-of-consciousness-type-of-flow in response to a growing urge to clarify my purpose and process. Maybe it will resonate with you too?
I write on Substack because I love to write.
I don’t write on Substack because I think it will make me rich on money, but I do hope it will enrich me with new perspectives, new connections and new opportunities.
I write on Substack because it helps me to hold myself accountable by publishing publicly as opposed to keeping my words hidden in my journal (or worse; in my head).
I write on Substack because I’m a curious independent artist (and have been for the past soon decade), always on the lookout for new exciting projects that can distract me from other work…. (LOL).
I write on Substack because I dream of a larger readership for my written art and thought; My visual art grew on visual social media, so perhaps my written art can grow on a writing-based social media?
I write on Substack as a personal experiment and challenge to see if I’m able to grow an audience for other forms of art (writing) than my main art business (embroidery).
I don’t write on Substack to create a membership threadmill with more services than writing, though I recognise from my sales experience that it’s a whole lot easier to sell a product or concrete service than a fluid writing project (thereby having added my e-book “When Will You Get A Real Job?” as a tangible paid perk).
I write on Substack because I love the intellectual discours I find here that (at least most of the time) share more nuanced reflections on various topics as opposed to “the one and only truth”.
I write on Substack because I support the concept of independently supported media.
I write on Substack because I love that writers own their businesses (as in: can export the email addresses whenever and wherever), as opposed to merely being an ant in the sea followers owned by a third party.
I write on Substack because it’s an evolving, still early-bird platform that makes the climate bursting with energy of potential.
I write on Substack because the writing and posting can be entirely done on my phone and thereby complement my life with two toddlers home full time (I.e I can write from bed after bedtime without a big clunky laptop).
I write on Substack to pursue my childhood writer dreams and make them a tangible reality through regular posting.
I write on Substack because I loathe the idea of becoming a “what if” person. I want to be a “oh, I did that shit and well….” type of person.
I write on Substack because; why not?
Thanks for reading!
What did you resonate with most and why?
Love, Elin
Oh, and if you haven’t done so already, I warmly invite you to subscribe for more writing about my philosophies and experiences from the artist life and business 💖
→ A free subscription gives you access to a majority of the writing,
→ A paid subscription gives you access to my digital bookshop that currently houses my e-book “When Will You Get A Real Job”, The Vol1 Essay Collection from Follow Your Gut will be added shortly ✨
This: "I write on Substack because it helps me to hold myself accountable by publishing publicly as opposed to keeping my words hidden in my journal (or worse; in my head.)" Thank ypu!
Nicely said! And I’m with you on this 😊