This happened when I launched my second publication on Substack
My gut is telling me that Substack isn't the right fit for all business models and here's why
Hi there,
Today’s deep dive is for the gut-followers curious to read a real-time example of how our intuition can guide us against popular advice (and potentially make some big audacious moves).
I’ll be speaking about a process that I’ve been going through on Substack for the past 7 months since launching a second publication for a different target audience. At its core it’s been about throwing myself head first (as I always tend to do), to then tune into my gut to evaluate how it’s going. This allows me to operate from experience vs. imagined scenarios and theories.
The first question to ask is always; Are things flowing? Or are they suffocating… ?
The findings may surprise you and potentially influence how you view your presence here (and the marketing efforts you intend to employ to reach your dreams), so I want to be upfront about that before diving in.
The scenario is playing out in real-time, which is why I want to keep the process behind a paywall to create a respectful space for continued reflections and conversations in the comments for those inclined.
Maybe you’ve considered to launch a second Substack too?
Maybe you’ve also reflected on why we refer to our writing as “a Substack” as if that is the thing rather than your writing being the thing…
Are you ready?
Let’s go!
Ps. New Here? You can check out the archive first here.